Saturday, March 28, 2015

Unearth Walkthrough

Unearth WalkthroughUnearth is a new point and click adventure game created by Michael Hibbert for CafeCafe Games.

With a look and feel similar to Submachine youll be very comfortable playing Unearth. Look around for hidden objects and solve the puzzles for a trip out of this world.

Play Unearth
Unearth Walkthrough

- Notice the image drawn on the mirror
- Go all the way to the right
- Pull off the leg to the cabinet
- Turn off the second switch
- Go left
- Get the wire
- Smash the glass with the cabinet leg
- Go left
- Press left lever once
- Second lever all the way back and up 2
- Press the third lever 3 times
- Go up 2 floors
- Click on the computer screen
- Make smiley
- Go all the way to the left
- Use wire on broken line
- Next floor
- Open dumbwaiter and put the fire extinguisher in
- Next floor
- Pull device off the ceiling
- Take plunger head then the device
- Go to the top floor, take the stick and combine it with the plunger head
- Place the device on the two holes
- Go to the toilet and plunge it
- Turn on second switch
- Open dumbwaiter and take chip
- Use key on chest
- The painting will be open if you want the chip
- Click on device on the roof
- Place chips on the device
- Go back to the normal view
- UFO comes to get you...

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