Saturday, March 28, 2015

Daymare Town 3 walkthrough

Daymare Town 3 walkthroughDaymare Town 3 is the latest sequel in the Daymare Town point and click game series developed by Mateusz Skutnik.

Being the mastermind behind some great Flash game series like Submachine, Covert Front and The Great Escape, Mateusz managed to create another awesome game.

Play Daymare Town 3

Daymare Town 3 walkthrough

After you wake up, turn right, pick up your shoes.

Turn right again, click on the moneybag on the chair.

Turn back left, and pull the cord.

Turn right twice, and then forward. Answer ‘No’ 3 times.

Go forward. Click down the stairs. Go right twice, then go down another set of stairs. And another. Click on the guy in the top-right corner twice. Buy both the Rope and the Window Handle.

Click ‘Exit’, then click at the bottom to back out. Notice the barricaded door with ‘Exit’ on top of it. In the barricade is a closet, click on the bottomright of it to close up. Pick up the hammer.

Back out by clicking the left side of the screen. Now click on the bottomright to turn around. Click just to the right of the staircase to look under it. Pick up the Valve.

There’s a loose floorboard here, click it to remove it. Then pick up the Stone Orb.

Back out twice, go up the stairs by clicking lowerleft of the screen. In this screen are three hotspots on the right side. One to go up the stairs, one to look at the locked cabinet, and one to go right on the same floor. Click the latter. Now use the Window Handle on the window, click it once it’s in place to open the window. Now use the rope in the space here to lower it. Before you leave though, click the far end of the pipe that leaves the heater on the right. You can find a key here. Now back out and click the open window to go out.

Click the bottom twice, then left once. Click on the archway. Click left twice, then use a coin on the door (from your moneybag). Enter the door, then click on the painting. Click on the lower half of the painting again, and pick up the Seashell laying on the beach. Now click the bottom of the screen 6 times to go back.

Go one screens to the left. Click the stairwell that leads underground. Click the lowerleft of the screen. Use the Valve on the Vault, click it again to open it, take the Crystal Ball.

Back out, then click on the hole in the roof to go outside again.

There is a set of stairs to the right that leads to a new square behind this one. There is a set of stairs before that that lead to a building, click to close up on that building. Use the hammer to smash the lock.

Go left. Close up on the painting, and again to enter it. Click just to the right of the base of the tree on the left to go there. Click on the end of the path to go to the beach. Pick up the shell there. Bottomright to back out, then back out again.

Click on the ladder leading to the second floor of the house. Click in the doorway to enter. Pick up the puzzle piece laying in a corner.

Click in the doorway to leave, and go down the ladder. Now click on the barred door. Click on the bar to remove it, then enter the house. This looks familiar! Go left. Click the cabinet door to open it, and pick up the gear wheel. Then go right. Use the hammer to smash the lock on the chest, click on the chest and pick up the Crank Handle. Now click on the top to exit this view.

Click the bottom four times to go back to the square. Click the leftmost arch and use a shell on the pedestal. Back out, then do the same with the third arch. Back out. Now click the middle arch, and enter the building. There’s a hole in the wall on the upper-left, click it, and pick up the puzzle piece. Click the bottom of the screen three times.

Now click the other staircase on the right. Click at the end to go to the new square. The archway at 6-0′clock is where we come from. Let’s go clockwise. Just to your left is a hole in a wall, click it. Pick up the gear wheel to collect it. Back out.

Now go into the building to the left of that, at roughly 8-o’clock. Go up the ladder. Use the crystal ball on the table in front of the magician. He will hold up a Stone Orb, pick it up.

Go down the ladder, then outside the building. Click the alleyway at 9-o’clock. Go left twice, then use the Crank Handle on the device. Click it to use it, another Stone Orb comes up. Pick it up.

At 12-o’clock is a closed door, click it. Pull the rope, wait a bit, then enter the building. Use the hammer on the clock, and pick up the two gear wheels that fall out.

Back out, and click on the building at 1-o’clock. Click in the darkness to enter. Click on the baby laying on the bed. Back out twice.

Click on the bottom twice to go back to the square. Click on the building to the right, where we were earlier. This time, Go left, then right, then up the staircase. Use 2 gears on the device, and then click the switch. Back out of the building.

Go to the left for a different part of the square. Click on the building at the top-right. Instead of entering, click on the right side to find a man. Click the gear which is somehow attached to his jacket. Click left twice, and use 2 gears on the device, and use the switch. Go right once.

Now enter the building. Click the top-right to go up the stairs, then the ladder to climb it. Pick up the gear laying on the floor, and go back out of this building. The spots can be tricky to find, so a bit of searching will be needed. Finally, back out, back to the square.

The second building from the left can be entered to sell some of your stuff, if needed. You can also buy a key here. You’ll need to buy atleast one, which makes a total of two keys. Back out of the shop.

Click to the left, then click on the door to the right. Use a key to open the door. In here, use 2 gears on the machine, and turn the switch. Back out to the square.

Click right twice, then enter the square behind this one, where we were before. Click on the building at roughly 8-o’clock. The 3 devices you’ve put gears into, opened the machine here. Take the Stone Orb. Back out, then leave this square back to the original square.

At this point, make sure you have either a key and 3 coins, or 18 coins. Click right twice. Click the bottom of the rope hanging out from the hospital, then click on top of the screen to climb up. Click the window where the rope comes from to enter the hospital. Click on the bottom, then to the bottom left. Here is a man looking out the window. Click the window for a close up, then back out. Now talk to the man, and buy a ‘Sleeping Pill’ (and a key, if you haven’t got one anymore). Back out into the hall again.

Click the cabinet on the right, below the stairwell that leads upstairs. Use the key to open the door, and pick up the puzzle piece in there. Now go outside the hospital again.

Click right twice, to where you can see two guards guarding a gate. Click to close up, then click on the left of the screen. Click the top of the stairs, then the doorway to enter. Give the guard here a sleeping pill. His hat will fall off, take it. Back out three times.

Click on the guards, and click again. They will now let you pass. Click right three times, to a view of your crashed balloon (and lots of coins!). Click the left doorway for a closeup, again to enter. In the middle of the room is a cabinet, click on the box on top of this, and pick up the puzzle piece. Back out, then click the door on the left to exit.

Now click on the door to the right, and again to enter. Click the bottom-right to go to the basement. Give the baby to the woman, she will give you a Stone Orb in return. Pick it up.

Go up two staircases, and click on the book. Click on the tower in the book to enter the book. Now click on the door to enter the tower. Use 4 puzzle pieces in the wall here, and get the last Stone Orb.

Click on the door to the left to leave the building, then twice at the bottom to leave the book. Click the staircase to descend, then the door on the left to leave the building. Click the bottom to back out, then left twice. Click the low arch, then use all 6 Stone Orbs and pull the lever. Click right to leave, then go to the right. Click the tunnel to leave. The end!

Daymare Town Submachine Daymare Town 2 Covert Front 3 Mission to Jupiter

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