Sunday, April 5, 2015

Quoridor Board Game Online Challenge feature

No doubt, the Online Challenge feature is getting more and more attention. To fully gamify the entire world, the Android games designed have to be able to connect to someone from different corners of the world to some extent.

So, allow me to have a new post to make this big announcement for my Quoridor Board Game - a Beta version of the Online Challenge is available now!

Previously, i promised that if the number of ratings have reached 100, the Online feature would be added. But to everyones surprise, the feature comes earlier. A beta version of the feature has been integrated.

Something to note is that, the initial stage of the Online Challenge could only connect you to a randomly assigned opponent. In each game, in order to avoid some monkeys who spend too much time idling, each side is required to make a move (pawn moving or wall placing) within 90 seconds. Furthermore, if you are playing this Quoridor Board Game not at the peak time (when is the peak time ya?), you might have no luck challenging anyone...

A good experiment to prove the online feature works is to have 2 devices playing at the same time. Here, i assume that your internet connection is 100% stable. Else... you know... oops :) All i could say is that, it would be further improved in the future.

This is my first time featuring a real-time turn-based game. Of course, all the dirty back-end stuffs are implemented through a third party API. Lets see how this magic goes...

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